*to Hanlon's razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

AI Japan

The Turing test is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human... If the judge cannot reliably tell the machine from the human, the machine is said to have passed the test
This may have been done, but the idea came unbidden to me while in commute this morning among the Borg.  I emailed a friend.
If I wrote science-fiction, with failed AI which misses the Turing Test, I'd model it after the Japanese.
Friend replies:
Hmm...  Not bad.
I continue:
Because even translated, they wouldn't understand the put-down.  Helping to prove the point. 


  1. I guess it depends on how they define human in the test. I think there is a lot of undiagnosed Aspegers in Japan.

    1. Socialized-Aspergers for absolute certain, at least as Aspergers is colloquially thought of, not to insult anyone better acquainted with the real condition (think it's been taken out of the DSM).

    2. DSM-5 dropped the term, though it is widely used. The step-son is said to have Asperger's which is now classified as an Autism Spectrum Disorder (varying in different degrees for 3 previously classified disorders that were listed in the DSM-4, Asperger's being one of them).
      I am not the terminology police, just sharing what I have learned with the step-son in the house and my penchant for reading the about psychiatry.

    3. I've known a number of kids on the spectrum, in my role as a teacher. Like bi-polar (not rare in my family, diagnosed and not) it's such a wide spectrum that the broad diagnosis does little more than say: outside of the norm, and should be addressed. Your step-son's is being addressed, albeit not nearly as early as his birth-mother should have, and that can do nothing but help.
